Precision Pet Cape Cod Chicken Coop or Rabbit HutchRaising chickens can be a fun and enriching experience, and there are so many rewards to keeping chickens.They make great pets with amusing personalities, they are low-cost to maintain and they provide organic, hormone-free and nutritious eggs. The key to raising chickens is a safe and secure home that allows enough room to stretch out her wings and move about comfortably.Precision Pet Cape Cod Chicken Coop or Rabbit Hutch provides the backyard farmer with a shelter that is beneficial in raising happy and healthy chickens. The roomy Cape Cod Chicken Coop features two doors for convenient access to your pet or for cleaning. The Cape Cod Chicken Coop comes complete with a nesting box with roosting bar and a removable pan for easy cleaning. Zinc coated wire mesh chicken run on bottom gives your chicks room to roam with an outdoor feel while still being protected from predators. The Cape Cod Chicken Coop is also an ideal home for rabbits. The Precision Pet Cape Cod Chicken Coop or Rabbit Hutch comfortably houses up to four rabbits or chickens.